Monday, July 27, 2015

He sent His Word and healed them

Psalm 107:20(NKJV)

20 He sent His word and healed them,
And delivered them from their destructions.

Two weeks ago, as we were getting ready for Sunday Service, one of my children said he had stomach ache, I wrongly thought that it was one of his usual tricks, when he didn’t want to have breakfast.

We all went to church and I took him to the Children Sunday School. After service, my hubby went to pick him up and the class teacher told him that he was unusually quiet in class. We got home from church and just before we had lunch, he vomited.

I became worried, because we had just treated him for malaria and bacterial infection some few weeks prior to that day. My hubby and I had a fellowship meeting, we had committed to attending that Sunday afternoon after lunch.

I had mixed feelings about attending the fellowship meeting, we prayed for him and decided to watch him for a while before taking him to the hospital. At the fellowship, I kept calling home to find out how he was doing.

During a prayer session at the fellowship meeting, the facilitator gave a word from the Lord about someone who was worried about a child and that the person would surely testify as God had intervened in the situation already.  Another facilitator who rounded up the meeting also gave the same word. I received the word with faith in my heart, believing that the Lord had healed my son.

We arrived home in the evening and I quickly went to check up on him, I discovered his body temperature was high, we called the doctor who prescribed some medication for him.

That night, I kept on mediating on the word I had received, and the Holy Spirit reminded me of this verse of scripture ...He sent His word and healed them… He reminded me that He had sent His Word through the facilitators at the fellowship meeting and that I should not be afraid, I was already thinking that it was going to be one of those sleepless nights again, because I would have to wake up regularly to check his body temperature. Somehow, I slept off and didn’t keep to the scheduled regular checks.

In the morning before I got out of bed, my son had woken up and was already playing (Hallelujah!) completely healed! No more high body temperature, no more vomiting, hale and hearty!

The Lord is our Healer!

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